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Manuka Honey

Updated: Dec 28, 2020

Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey

Let’s talk about it as we hear about it the most in our day to day life because of its antibacterial properties, and is known for its power in that area.

It is mono-floral honey and produced in New Zealand coastal areas from the flowers of the Manuka tree or New Zealand Tea Tree bush.

Are Manuka Tree and New Zealand Tea Tree same and comes from the myrtle family?? Because I found a contradiction.

If you have any information on this, please comment below.

This rare, medium dark-coloured honey is favoured more for its health benefits than its medicine(y) flavour that some people find Manuka honey too "medicinal" in taste. Still, the intensity varies from source to source. It is an extremely effective treatment for wounds, acne/pimples and burns if used topically.

The fact that it is an exceptional antibacterial agent is supported by a variety of research. Its antibiotic power and lack of side-effects have the capacity of not causing resistance to well-known pathogenic bacteria which tends to resist conventional antibiotics.

  • It is mostly used to promote the healing of even diabetic ulcers.

  • It is capable of maintaining a damp, acidic environment that helps to heal and facilitate the development of new cells.

  • This natural product reduces the inflammation in IBS and ulcerative colitis patients, particularly deadly bacteria found in patients with cystic fibrosis infections.

  • For the treatment of antimicrobial-resistant respiratory infections too, the strong antimicrobial activity of manuka honey is used.

  • To relieve sore throats and to promote good oral health, The honey is widely recommended by naturopathic.

Refrain from buying just any Manuka honey. Its increasing popularity and a high price can lure the buyers into the trap of fraudster. Remember, a high price doesn't necessarily assure good quality, but in this case, if the honey is genuinely pure, then it's a mark of value.

When buying a jar of Manuka honey, it’s important to read the label carefully to check a few things to ensure you buy therapeutic and genuine Manuka honey.

Following things you need to know: – UMF® trademark (ranging from UMF5+ to UMF20+) – Name of New Zealand's producer – UMFHA license number and batch number


The above-provided information is purely based on my own research and study, and hope this is a useful resource for you!

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